Distance: 30 x 2 = 60 kms (Total)
Spot : Falls , Trekk , mini-Forest.
Bikes : Avenger , Apache 150, FZ-16, GS 150, Discover,Unicorn(Black thunder), Pulsar 150 ( Black turtle).
Participants: Ashok > Arvi > Arun > Dany > Anoop > Abhishek > Endu > Anand > Chetan > Dherien > Manu > Shekar > Chinta > Sp
Directions: Kanakpura road> Kaaglipura(before APS college)> Left turn> 4kms Offroad> Tk falls.
Okie this was one of those kinda 1st planned … last minute cancelled… then finally we do it kinda trips. This was done 7 days after the Epic Talkad trip.
12pm everybody sitting in the class busy making plans … around 14 people confirmed their spots… 12:45pm everybody assembled bakery…everybody were told to finish off their lunch near college as there was no good food available on kankpura road.

At about 2pm we left to fill petrol…some went to SHELL …ashok & myself went to a petrol bunk nearby… and filled it up.. and while coming back towards NICE road entrance… we were on the wrong side of the road… Suddenly a traffic police jeep comes( on the right side of the road :P)… ayyio I didn’t wanna get caught before the start of this trip only… I had to put my bike on the side pretended as though i was entering some building… and kept staring at the policemen :D….after they left Dany & me were the first to reach the NICE road entrance… within 10 mins everybody joined us.
Well the ride was a short one… on the NICE road it was smooth 70`s …10 minutes we were on Kanakpura road… from there the search for the falls began. We asked a few Locals … and took a left turn at Kaaglipura .. from there it was completely Offroad biking…
Muddy, Rocky. Slippery Road conditions made the controlling of bike difficult but Fun …Finally Dany & myself reached the place 1st… behind us everybody followed …dJ ,Manu, Anand, Arun, Endu…Time : 2:30pm
Ok as soon as we entered some Old lady came & told to leave with our bikes as police had come in the morning.. theft of a car …bla bla….We spoke to her properly realized tat she wanted parking money… and she wanted the payment then only… we told we would pay her latter… but she refused… finally spoke her and convinced her .

Ok back to the falls,… we had to walk 10-15mins from the entrance… we saw a huge rock far away with dried up water marks on it :(… it totally disappointing… but we could hear water flowing … so went further… well wat do u know..there was a waterfall and it was packing some force too ….Aaah worth it totally..washed our faces & freshened up.
“Ok we saw the waterfalls but what’s above the Falls???” Haha That was the question on everybody’s mind…
It was a crazy plan, climbing up the rocks alongside the falls …so the trek started….. Arvi, Ashok, Endu, were all long gone… next batch was Chinta , Anand , Shekar… were right below then.. i.e the last group .. Po , me ( by default theslowpoke- Arun :P)… Chinta tried to cross the falls… slipped… but hung onto a branch and pulled himself up…Whew!!! Scared the hell out of everybody below…by the time we reached the Top…everybody were sitting and washing their feet in the Cool flowing water. Time : 3:15pm.

The view from the top was brilliant…could see Greenery for miles …a small muddy road which bought us to the place… and a small lake far far away… we sat there for 20 mins… on the other side was Bannergahta Forest.. .. there was electric fence ( and we`r all still alive so it means we didn’t climb over it :P) in beween…. The trek up was a tricky but a nice one… finally ended up on a huge rock… below that rock was one fall u would avoid… death fall for sure… but standing on that rock …the view was aamazing \m/
Everbody rested on the rock… Anoop, Ashok & myself continued further… the terrain got rough …steep rocks.. thorny shrubs made it more difficult… but at the end what do we get… 3 abandoned houses..
We explored the place… but left us wondering how the workers got all the materials tat hish and constructed the houses… then we headed back to join back the others.

Then the trek down began, we kinda forgot the route we came… so “Where there is a path , there is a way” became the motto…so followed path filled with thick trees and shrubs… was totally like a forest… but at the end.. we were at the bottom of the falls without even taking the risk of climbing down alongside the falls :D

Went back to our bike to find the poor ajji still waiting for us…. Hmm felt bad… payed her well for looking after our bikes ( but still checked our bikes :P) …. “Ajji ki Jai \m/” She felt very happy and headed back … & so did we… another 4kms of bumpy ride… and smooth steady ride … took us back to the entrance of the NICE road… the ride on the NICE road felt real good… the sun was going down…we made back to the bakery at about 5: 15 pm…
Bangloreans who’r still wondering about whether this place exists… YEAH IT DOES… all snaps are 100% pakka… no illusions :P :P