
Thursday, September 30, 2010

16) Manchinbele & Big banyan Tree (The reunion) :7/7/10

16) Manchinbele & Big banyan Tree (The reunion) :7/7/10
Place : Manchinbele.

Bikes: Samurai & Pulsar
Distance : 35 + 35 = 70kms
Riders: Dattu > Ashok > Zethu > Sp !!
Previous Visit: Maddur & Kanva .
If you have less than 5 mins, Click here: Manchinbele- Basic information

AlriTTiii , it was 2 years since we KK frnz met up!!! So thought of a re union… but uhhhh it Didn’t quite work out as planned. So thought of a re union of our Own – A Bro- union \m/. Well Zethu and dattu had been in good touch but never had met since 2 years!!! And Ashok ..well we’r in the same class he sits behind me in class :D.
7/710 it was…we all met up at my place. It was 4 of us , Mom was really happy to see old friends again…Everbody were happy to see each other :).

Then we left towards Mysore Road…Zethu and Dattu on SuZ samurai \m/…and Ashokey and on my pulsar!!! We drove at a very decent pace… we reached RRDC and headed further…we decided to stop at Big banyan as they had not seen the place.
Parked our bikes and entered The BIG BANYAN…. Took a nice stroll… climbed up trees..and started to act like monkeys :D… Then Zethu exclaimed “ Hope all of these turn to WeeD yo! “ :D :D . Dattu was swinging from one branch to another (We 3 werent a least bit surprised :P ) Cos it was Dattu \m/
Then we headed further towards Manchinbele… Dattu’s songs kept us entertained all the way!!! The 1st glance of Manchinbele makes everybody Go “ WaaaaaAAA”. A steep turn on a normal road and the next thing u see a huge reservoir in between two hlls!!!
We stopped had a look at this beautiful place and decided to get down in water and have fun!! Just before we got down…we thought
Trek => Heat + Sweat , then
Swim=> Cool + relax
Yup!!! The equations we’r cool!!! So took our bikes back… went near some steep hill…parked our bikes behind some bush and started walking up. The hill wasn’t much of a hill but the terrain was pretty messed up with loose gravel & stones.
After trekking a few meters all 4 of us were totally shocked seeing something!!! There was this pretty deep pit, & inside it was the entire Skeleton of a goat !! WoAAAA!!!! Further we discovered few more bone pieces. From then Dattu’s energy meter went off the charts :D :D
We saw some bulls grazing on the hill…we were a lil scared cos if they charge there was no turning back!!! Dattu raced away to the top…Zethu , AShok and myself slowly climbed up keeping one eye on the bikes which appeared as small dots far far away!!!
Finally we could spot data… performing the DANCE OF JOY from the top!!! Haha!! The view from the top was brilliant…we sat there for a good amount of time , cracking jokes!!! After 45min or so…decided to climb down!!
Climbing down was no easy task… one slip and u would have bruises for life …. The loose stones made it hard to grip the ground. Started of slow and steady…. But this didn’t go for long :D :D, Dattu & me were like “ Balls to this Dude!! 1st one down is the winner :P” we ran like crazy idiots down the hill… jumping from rock to rock!! Slipping a few times… we reached the bottom in no time… then we realized “ WWOOppps we forgot Zethu & ashokey!! :D”
We could see them as small dots far away perfectly camouflaged!! They made it down the hill after a few minutes..then we took our bikes & headed towards water!!
I badly wanted to cool down …so was ready to jump into water…ashok and Dattu were a lil hesitant 1st…then they were like “ What the hell..lets make the most of this day \m/”. Zethu satyed back. Manchinbele is a Very Dangerous place to swim …. Sudden Deep pits & very rough bed. Had bruises & cuts on my feet and hands :(
After an hour or so we decided to dry up, Dattu tried drying up like a dog shivering away the water …and rubbing his legs on mud…Omfg!! Tat was hilarious!!!! Then we left towards Bengaloorooo :)
Stopped at McD’s for lunch (b’day treat) messed up hair, wet pants ,etc etc .. people there totally didn’t want us eating there :P . Had nice lunch and headed back home….
After many ages 3-4 years …. 4 of us sat and started playin Classic WWE RAW \m/. Then Legend hidden in darkness all this while was brought to light (T.C \m/).
I fell of my chair twice laughing…. All four of us were rolling on the floor laughing…holding on to our Rib cages preventing them from bursting into pieces :D
7pm everybody left ….WHAT A DAY \m/ WAT a reunion \m/
Real nice that we all met up and had such a wonderful day :D :D
Bro union Did happen!!! \m/
DATTA was the Speed racer of the trip!!!! (“Chethu u look very tired , leave the riding part to me now :P) Hahaha!!!
Also see : Black saints visit to Manchinbele here.

Wordpress & Travelpod Websites:




  1. what an awesome trip bro \m/
    can't wait to go on another road trip
    and can't wait to see Skandagiri story on this blog \m/

  2. Yeah!!! \m/
    The Perfect Reunion!!!!
    Next up Skandagiri \m/

    JUST AWSM....

  4. Would Mr.A reveal his\her identity ?

  5. @chetan....may b on next bike trip Mr. A may take out his mask.... :P

  6. @Ajay : yea Bro !! i will do tat shortly!! Thank u for sharing it :) Really Appreciate it man!!

    @GB : Thanks a lot :D

  7. good stuff karthik :)

    so proud u are me senior :D
