
Saturday, April 10, 2010

5) Pearl Valley (9/1/2010)

5) Pearl Valley: (9/1/10)

Place: Muthyalamaduvu /Pearl Valley.
Distance: 50 x 2 = 100kms.
Directions: Bengaluroo > Banerghatta Road > Anekal > Right turn > Pearlvalley.
Participants: Arun > Manu > Sp.
Bikes: Unicorn > Pulsar.
Previous visit: Nandhi Hills -Sunrise


It was about 10 days since we finished Nandi hills trip. We wanted to go for a short drive and trek a lil… then I came across this place called muthyala maduvu also called the pearl valley :) . It was a kickass place… It was decided it was the next place we would visit.
Called up my frnz and told them about this place.. arun was ready… Arv said he needed some time to decide..Ashok said he couldn make it :(.. So on 8th eve Arun & me went to Honda showroom to get his bike from servicing..then went to Arv`s house and asked whether he could come the next day… he said he had some work and couldn’t make it.

So we drove back ,sat in a chat shop havin chats totally confused whether we should go or not…we went back to our houses…then went for a long walk… finally decided to hit the road the next day!!!


It was the 9th of Jan…we met up in front of my house at about 6am..Manu joined us… Boi!! Was he pumped up… He was like don’t care where we`r going as long as we go :D..
We hit the road…the drive was very smooth…Arun and Manu on UNICORN…and me alone…we cruised at 70’s – 80’s. The road was excellent, but the only problem was getting to the actual place :( ..
We had to whistle,wave,shout,scream and sometimes ask politely for directions…still remb this incident.. was funny..ok here goes thre was this tractor..we had to ask for directions.. they couldn’t hear us…so I ran behind the tractor…jumpin high in the air…waving at them…”Oooye Oy..!! How to Go??? “ finally got directions, I turn back.. see Arun and Manu laughin at me :D

Finally we reached the actual place..we parked our bikes in front of a lonely lodge in the middle of the forest.. and we found some steps down near the lodge.. which lead us into the forest…as soon as we entered the forest we found an abandoned Shop… we tried to find something to steal :P..couldn find a thing…


We were the only three in the forest…could hear only all sorts of animal sounds..and all of a sudden water falling,… Yippee!! There was a super Dooper water falls..not a big one..small Kutti falls :). We removed our socks and sandals (Oh ya we forgot to wear shoes :D) and sat below the falls for sometime..walkin in the water exploring the place :).

After tat we decided to go deeper into the forest.The route was a narrow one..but a kickass one & pretty scary too..Lots of bushes and fallen trees aall around us..Im pretty sure there were lots snakes all around us ,had to be EXTRA careful about my knee.. it was still in pain thanks to slip in Mekedat…We decided to go deeper into the forest..
It was becoming more & more dense with every step we took… As we were heading further we saw a kickass stick insect..perfectly camouflaged:) :). Too much of man vs wild spotted it with ease.:D. As we went deeper we found some fresh elephants droppings.. I was over the Moon looking at the elephants droppings :P..
I always wanted to see an elephant in the wild.. we were the only three in forest as far as we know… couldn hear a thing.. I was lik,,Commmmmooonn!! One Kutti baby elephant then we head back.. I wont even go near it…promise :).
They agreed ,we went deeper and deeper…not able to spot any elephant..:( the forest got really thick now..Manu & Arun got me back to my senses and we decided to head back.. Hehe ..But we saw lots of other creatures..truely beautiful…Nature At its BEST :).There was this huge Bush ..a lil canopy kinda looked dangerous.. I saw it turned around.” Atleast we`l …” …Manu – ‘ No way!!!’ finally they agreed on one condition…I had to go there 1st ( Thanks a lot!! Hehe) . I walked slowly, whispering ‘ macha if I die?/?’ finally went inside was pretty dark inside…then gave a thumbs up ..they came inside it too…sat thre for sometime.. just listenin to all the wild noises around us.. then Manu declared himself as the INVISBLE DEVIL :D

Then we headed back…while trekking back …we saw another group of trekkers who had come then..

Then we reached back to the lodge where we started the trekk..we had coverd about 10 km into the forest.. we were pretty happy with that and very satisfied.
While driving back Manu & me in PULSAr..and Arun alone…we stopped at a decent hotel and had very good food :) tat too two rounds…


Everything was perfect , good roads.. good food…good trek.. nice funn throwin rocks … only part we weren’t happy was ashok and Arvi couldn join us :( ( Bro`s a re-visit For sure..promise !!).

We returned safely back home..Arun & manu left !!! Had a wonderful trip.. the only trip in the Mid sem Hols… 4th sem was upcoming!!!

And while comin back on the nice road we put our college id`s to full use :)


AnD Hey..we got Cheated..we thought we could Find pearls all around us… there were supposed to be pearls as far as the eye can see … But It`s FAKIE :P



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