
Monday, December 30, 2013

82) Savandurga Trek– The Reckoning Day: (16/8/2013)

Place: Savandurga & Manchinbele Dam.
Distance: 40 x 2 = 80kms.
Directions: Bengaluru – RRDC – Big Banyan – Manchinbele – Savandurga
Participants:  Gowrish (Dowrisha) > Srinidhi(Nidhi) > Srihari(Hari) > Andreas > Samuels > Sukesh (Actually) > Karthik (Sp).
Bikes: Pulsar.
Previous visit: Maddur & Kanva - Restart.

Savandurga (~4000 feet) is the largest monolith of Asia. Hiking the tallest monolith was a pure bliss. But this is one of the few chapters in which I felt the pressure, which I feel is unessential as it wastes pure vital energy called passion. But yeah overall we kicked some mighty ass to conquer the hillock.

So, a couple of our friends from Swiss had arrived in Bangalore. So we were requested to take them to Mysore. But then I felt it would be better to take them for a hike. But yeah, it meant a whole new level of responsibility to get them back in one piece. The crew was a whole new set. After we exchanged our numbers on the previous day, I sat down and formed a plan as I felt it was needed this time. (to show I trip on regular basis :P)
TIME: 22:00 (15/8/2013)

To be frank here, I couldn’t sleep for most of the night. I was up at about 02:00 looked at the planned schedule, made a few changes to the timeline and sat back looking at the board. The only thing that was running through my mind was the safe hike of the crew. At about 06:15, Sukesh arrived at my place. We left my place on one bike, my bike. We reached the NICE road junction at Mysore road, where the others were scheduled to meet us both.
TIME: 07:00 hrs


RIDE 1: (Bangalore – RRDC – Big Banyan – Manchinbele)
After about 15mins of waiting we got a call informing us that the other group had encountered a flat tyre and were on the task of fixing it. After nearly an hour’s wait the whole crew had assembled. I went over to the non-driver seat and started explain the day’s plan with the notion that I was speaking to Nidhi. After listening patiently to the entire plan the person whom I was addressing said that Nidhi was on the other side :P Damn, they are look-like twins. We had a good laugh and yes the plan was crystal clear.
TIME: 08:15

We rode a few kilometres & pulled over at a hotel next to RRMC for some light breakfast. We had nice time explaining to our Swiss friends how to eat South Indian food :P

After a light breakfast, we left the hotel. As we reached RRDC we took a left deviation to continue towards Big Banyan. W reached the circle of deviation and took a left turn and as we rode on we felt weird, as though somebody familiar was riding beside us. When turned around it was Dowrisha riding, he had never confirmed his coming on the trip, nor had he informed anything, out of the blue, there he was, riding next to us. He looked at us and spurted out his signature dialogue “Yenno lo!!”. Sukesh & I looked at each other and burst into laughter. It was not long before we reached the beautiful reservoir Manchinbele.
TIME: 09:30


Like always, without a doubt , the first glimpse of  this incredible reservoir took everybody aback. Yes including me. It was indeed a beautiful view I still wondered whether this place existed so close to Bangalore. We spent a good 15mins at this place totally mesmerized by the reservoir. Then we realized it was a better to move on & finish of the trek as we could clearly smell the rains arriving post-noon.
TIME: 10:00

From Manchinbele, Savandurga is about 10kms. But the route is through a forest region & the road is pretty screwed up. After riding at a slow pace through the forest we reached the base of the mighty hillock. With the mountain goat’s spirit awakened within me I was ready to lead the team for a change.
TIME: 10:30


The ascension of the hillock took us almost exactly an hour. And it fun filled hike, as Dowrish’s non-stop chattering and jokes lit the air with laughter. This trek is one of the most scenic treks around Bangalore. The twin reservoirs (Manchinbele & TG Dam) can be seen as you ascend this hillock. I have divided the ascension into 4 parts viz.,
i) First Fort Wall
ii) Second Fort Wall
iii) Puddle Stretch
iv) Final Stretch

First Fort Wall:

This stretch was roughly for about 10-15mins. The first wall can be seen from the base clearly. But it is the steepest part of  the entire climb. We were a total of 7 of us, the weather was cool, the soft rays of the sun began to hit the our back before touching the rocky surface of the hill.
The trek to the first fort wall, I could see, had drained out most of the energies of the crew. So we rested atop the fort wall, sipping water and having some choclates.
TIME: 10:40


Second Fort Wall:

This took roughly 30mins, as we had had crashed into a canopy for 15-20mins. As we left the first fort wall our knees began to recover as the steepness reduced. The sun’s rays had intensified striking our heads directly. So, in order to prevent dizziness while climbing up, we went into a canopy waiting for the clouds to cover the sun. After a few minutes of rest we continued hiking towards the second fort wall. As we progressed the real beauty of this trek began to unveil. We could spot Manchinble and TG dam from a whole new different level. Immersed in the beauty of which could be seen all around we reached the second fort wall.
TIME: 11:10


Puddle Area & Final Stretch:

From the second fort wall, we decided like last time to walk on the fort wall itself instead of walking alongside it. At this point of time the 7 of us were beginning to split into two divisions so had to keep the energetic one anchored so that the other would catch up. Then we encountered a lot of puddles, which seemed pretty dirty. The steepness was not much of a concern as we were totally loving the trek.


After reaching a couple of buildings on the top, we could spot the top. The final stretch was through a boulder filled terrain. This has to be my favourite stretch as the air which surrounded us became all of a sudden cool, which makes one feel really good during hikes. Finally climbing alongside the growing trees, we finished the final stretch to reach the top.
TIME: 11:30


Ah, yeah, the top. As we reached the top, I first waved a big “hi” to the Nandi which rests on top looking towards Bangalore. After having enquired as to how he had been we removed our shoes and sat down in line sipping water and talking all kinds of shit. The hobbies of Swiss people, the various places for a hike in Swiss etc.,
After about 30mins the sky had begun to turn grey, realizing the rain gods would arrive in a few hours and it would be very difficult to climb down when he arrived, we decided to pack up. Wearing back our shoes, checking our bags we were all set for the climb down.
TIME: 12:00



The descension was roughly for about 45mins. It was a quick one when compared to the ascension. The 7 of us one after another began the hike downhill. The trek down was enjoyed throughout. Dowrisha with his spontaneous and unlimited reservoir of jokes made the atmosphere a jovial one. Very soon we passed by the second and first fort wall respectively to reach the base of the hill.
TIME: 12:45


After reaching the base, our friendly dog guided us to the coconut shop, where we had about 10-12 coconuts to satisfy our thirst. Then we paid a quick visit to the temple. As we just about to leave, another group had arrived at the base and asked us the directions of the climb. We told them the required detail and warned them about the rains. After wishing them good luck we left the place.
TIME: 13:15

RIDE 2: (Savandurga – Bidadi)
The ride back was not through the route that we had come. We reached Ramnagar at a good pace after which the clouds opened up to shower us with rains. But we didn’t stop, we rode at a slow pace to reach Bidadi. our energies were pretty low & we were dead tried. It was not long before we pulled over at one of our regular Dhaba’s.


Ah, yeah it was a huge relief reaching the dhaba and settling down. We ordered something to drink and some good hot food. As we settled down the rains came down relentlessly. And I, gradually felt myself departing from within. After the rains had calmed down we left the Dhaba.
TIME: 15:30

RIDE 3: (Back To Road Rash Era)
It was raining pretty heavy, and the weather was awesome for a ride. But I, who was riding not like myself was pretty much hostile to myself. We reached the NICE raod junction bid adieu to the other team. After which we raged on like everlasting flame in the downpour to reach Nayandhalli, where, I believe I clipped a few mirrors (truly sorry whoever it was!! :P) Reached back home where Sukesh had parked his bike.
TIME: 16:40

“OH yeah, this had to be one of those chapters where I truly felt the pressure. And all the pressure that had been built up found a perfect relief. After crashing at 17:00, I woke up at about 02:00 the next day, to find a few messages saying it had been a wonderful trip etc., Ate a couple of fruits, went up the board and erased the timeline I had written on it, time to move on, Cheers!!  ”

Until Next time Cia \m/



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